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Horror House on Highway Five


Comedy / Horror

Plot summary

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810.45 MB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 28 min
P/S 0 / 1

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by HumanoidOfFlesh7 / 10

Strange and disjointed.

Some students are making a scientific research regarding German rocket V2.Along the way,one of the female students named Sally is kidnapped by two brothers:older Dr.Marbuse and shy and his mentally unbalanced assistant Gary.The other kids run into the father of brothers,a maggot-infested Nazi sociopath who wears Richard Nixon mask and enjoys killing people."Horror House on Highway Five" has to be seen to be believed.It's utterly strange and disjointed slasher flick with several jaw-droppingly psychedelic moments of insanity.The plot doesn't make sense and the gore is minimal,but if you are a fan of "Boardinghouse" or "Death Bed:The Bed That Eats" you can't miss "Horror House on Highway Five".7 out of 10.

Reviewed by Woodyanders3 / 10

Was this disjointed mess meant to be some kind of spoof?

Man, is this messed-up movie an unbearably dumb, lousy and often downright dreary piece of junk! A crazed, bloodthirsty trio kill and terrorize several luckless individuals around the titular area. The freaky threesome are actually a nice, happy dysfunctional family: a crackpot dad who likes to do the dirty murderous deed while wearing a rubbery Richard Nixon mask, a bumbling imbecile son, and another insane, sanguinary idiot male offspring with live maggots residing in his scrambled cranium (!).

A clumsily sincere attempt at a perversely humorous, darkly tongue-in-cheek backroads psycho picture parody, this film's extremely forced, spiritless, grinding-its-wheels-in-the-mud slack execution completely ruins its chances at being a reasonably on-target and effective send-up: Richard Casey's wan, idle direction, mostly flat acting from a generally insipid cast (only legendary gonzo rock critic Richard Meltzer manages to deliver a lively, up to par performance as a cranky, ill-fated drunken motorist),lethargic pacing, weak stabs at grotesque warped humor (e.g., one victim steps on a rake right after having his throat cut),and a plodding, disjointed narrative all prevent this potentially fun flick from ever kicking into high gear. However, both the fairly rollicking score by Keith Grady and Suzanne McDermott and the passably professional photography by David Golia and Bill Pope neatly rise above the pervasive mediocrity. If it had been done with more polish and vigor this wash-out could have made for an amusing and enjoyably quirky little horror black comedy, but since it's really bland and slapdash it instead qualifies as a very middling and forgettable cinematic dead end.

Reviewed by Leofwine_draca2 / 10

Bizarrely awful

HORROR HOUSE ON HIGHWAY FIVE has to be one of the most obscure and worst of '80s-era horror films, given that I'd never heard of it before I saw it available for viewing on Amazon Prime. Even now having watched it I still wish I'd never heard of it, because this is a shockingly poor, homemade movie with little talent involved and even less sense.

The film opens with the worst directed segment of the film in which a woman is menaced by a psycho in a Richard Nixon mask. Said woman is rather plain-looking to say the least and her lengthy shower scene rather difficult to sit through. The subsequent stalk and slash moments are laughably bad with some of the worst and most pretentious direction ever.

The plot becomes more involved at this point, with a students sent to investigate the man who invented the V2 rocket who is now supposedly living in America. They encounter his crazy sons, one of whom is a pervert and the other convinced that maggots are eating his brain, but soon enough all are menaced by the mask-wearing psycho. Oh, and things eventually culminate with a further plot twist, which I won't go into here.

Everything about HORROR HOUSE ON HIGHWAY FIVE is awful, from the quality of the acting to the written dialogue and the basic execution. There's no real gore or exploitation to speak of here, just one bizarre and nonsensical moment after another, and amateurish isn't the word. Inevitably this kind of bargain basement production breeds a special kind of fan who takes delight in watching and celebrating such trash - but I'm not one of them, I'm afraid!

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