Kiss Kiss is a action thriller movie directed by Dallas King and stars Natascha Hopkins, Nathalia Castellon, Robert Wagner, Janey Bolina, Thai Edwards and Julia Farino in the leads.
Synopsis: Four friends embark on wine testing and safari tours forced to fight each other.
Warning: please watch on your own risk. The movie can give you a feeling of soft porn but this is not. The movie is very boring and top of it is pathetically acted. The screenplay is ok but with pathetic acting it's nothing more than a torture.
The climax of the movie is also confusing and makes no sense. Better avoid the movie.
Kiss Kiss
Action / Crime / Drama / Thriller
Kiss Kiss
Action / Crime / Drama / Thriller
Plot summary
Four best friends embark on a luxurious wine tasting and soon find themselves fighting for their lives.
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720p.BLU 1080p.BLU 720p.WEB 1080p.WEBMovie Reviews
Boring boring
But why?...
I stumbled upon the 2019 movie "Kiss Kiss" in 2020. I picked it up, as I hadn't even heard about it before. It seemed like it could be an adequately entertaining movie, so of course I gave it a chance.
Well, I was wrong.
This movie had such a weak plot and script that it was just atrocious. I mean, some girls are brought to a place where they are drugged, because some guy wants to make the perfect killing machine and vendor off the drug to the government or army. Sure, yeah, very plausible. And it gets better. Then they inject the girls with the serum to prove its effects and make the girls fight each other.
Right, well as if that wasn't enough, then get this; the movie had so much focus on showing off scantily clad women, with a particular focus on showing off the female form such as breast region or buttocks that it was just bordering on being downright sleazy. To me it made absolutely zero sense, but I guess it must have meant a lot to writer and director Dallas King. Why did the women have to wear next to nothing in terms of garments? Eye candy for the prepubescent audience? I believe it so.
"Kiss Kiss" is not a movie that will be dragging home any awards for the acting performances in the movie, so don't get your hopes up. Perhaps some of the actresses or actors were actually adequate in acting, but writer and director Dallas King didn't showcase any talents here, and they had so little to work with that it was just an anchor around their feet.
Well, "Kiss Kiss" is a movie that is focusing heavily on the brawling and fight scenes between the women - when it is not focusing on showing off the female form, that it is - so one would assume that the fighting in the movie would be spot on and have that certain punch to it. Wrong! That was lacking too, and the fight sequences were sluggish and amateurish.
This was a massive swing and a miss, and it is not a movie I can - nor will - recommend that you spend your time, money or effort on. Some of us suffered through the ordeal known as "Kiss Kiss" so you don't have to.
My rating of "Kiss Kiss" is a generous two out of ten stars. The movie does have adequate production value to it, I will give it that much. But everything else in the movie was just lacking tremendously where it counted or mattered.
We don't spit.
Scantily clad drugged up strippers pummel each other to death in slo-mo for the audience of a senator and a general. Not much to see here. Bad all around. One of them was named Kiss. Want to guess who wins?
Guide: F-word. Sex. brief partial nudity.