The story involves a young man named, Katsu returning to his home town, after fleeing from the Yakuza many years before. Upon returning he starts a tense relationship with, cinema owner, Yuko. Things start to get complicated when Katsu finds out Yuko is involved with a former classmate of his.
The film is mainly about Katsu trying to keep his identity secret, as to not alert any of his old Yakuza foes. The other main plot point involves Katsu's relationship with Yuko - an intense one where the couple struggle to find peace and constantly question their love for one another. The other plot point which keeps the audience guessing is why Katsu returned home in the first place. He comes from a peaceful fishing village; why did he escape? Did he offend some Yakuza members in his new town? Katsu is superbly played by: Toru Ohe - an actor I'm not familiar with. He portrays the character as both incredibly vulnerable, yet possibly psychotic, possessing both humour and pathos. Rie Nakagawa (Yoko) is another highlight playing a seemingly next-door type older woman, who is totally believable as Yoko. Once again, providing vulnerability behind a damaged shell.
Lovers of sex laden Pink/Roman Porno films looking for something sleazy or sexually explicit will be disappointed. While there is sex shown, it is not the film's main aspect. The film is more a drama than a sex work. Look out for an unusual game of leap frog and Katsu's dirty dittys when he plays the guitar.
Recommended: The DVD is another superb print, free from noticeable archive damage. Only extra is a trailer. Worth buying as the film has good replay value but, it is not your typical pink film and is all the better for it.
Keywords: raperoman pornoblu-ray
Plot summary
Katsu, a fugitive youth on the run from the yakuza, returns to his birthplace and begins an affair with the cinema owner.
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