An action adventure film that takes place in a tropical paradise, but the film is absent of any qualities that would make it good. The cinematography (camera work) is awful in this film. It will not only give you a pang of images that writhe across your eyes but a nauseating sickness from the sketchy scene flow. This movie is absent of talent, originality, cinematography, and plot.
The film has enough clichés to choke a horse. It's constantly a reminder of the lack of imagination and originality that Hollywood is scarce of today. Just so you know what I mean let me list the clichés of this movie, if I can.
- Main characters don't like each other but fall in love by the end, ·
- They look for a treasure, they find the treasure
- They fight the bad guys who want the treasure, they beat the bad guys and they get the treasure.
- The bad guy's right hand man is an idiot.
- The girl gets in trouble the guy rescues her
I won't continue because I'll be listing over half the movie by the time I'm done. Before I carry on bashing this movie, let me embellish on the films one redeeming quality, the soundtrack. While sporting sixty plus traditional Mayan and Spanish tracks the movie relieves you from the awfulness for momentary segments when the sub-par script is not leaking from the screen. It fits every scene whether relaxing tropical music or fierce Spanish drums for the action sequences.
Though a minute detail the exotic Yucatan scenery was quite beautiful but the drunken camera work did not give it its due credit. From scene to scene it was like a broken fair ride jolting back and forth until it leaves you begging for the ride manager to shut it off. Quite possibly one of the first movies capable of making your eyes bleed. There was no flow from scenes, no smooth transitions, and no attention grabbing views in the action scenes.
"Acting talent? What's that?"
I'm almost sure the stars of this film were saying that the first day of shooting. Unsure of how to position themselves, many pauses as if they were too busy thinking over their lines to say them on time, and stale empty personalities. The actors failed to take ownership of their roles; they were like shadows in the film as if any bum off the street could fill their part if necessary and most likely do a better job.
Final judgment not even worth renting, you're better off buying the soundtrack then even viewing this movie for free. The best part of the movie is eighty two minutes in. Unfortunately the movies run time is a mere eighty one minutes.