"Oceans: Our Blue Planet" is a British 42-minute documentary from 2018 and one of the more recent IMAX releases. This BBC production was made by Rachel Butler and Emmy nominee Mark Brownlow and it may have gone a bit under the radar compared to the latter's other recent nature documentary release. But this should not mean that one here is not worth watching. It certainly is. Academy Award winner Kate Winslet narrates and she does an okay job overall I suppose, not bad, not great either. But it is more about what you see anyway. There are some moments when I as a person who has seen many nature documentaries still felt to learn something new here. The entertainment factor isn't bad either when we see one relentless fish being watched by other fish. That was kinda hilarious, even if I could have done without Winslet's oops there. Anyway, still somehow it felt to me as if this documentary was not really offering anything truly new to the genre, especially with these many (IMAX) water-themed documentaries being released in the past and it is probably not too easy to get something new on the table. The climate-themed comments sure did not cut the cake and they felt very shoddy and for the sake of it sadly. This is when the film was at its worst. Another thing I would like tos ay that maybe my review is slightly biased as I have never had huge interest in the world of fish admittedly, so from that perspective they already succeeded in making this interesting to me. Solid feat. But I also liked the moments that involved seals and sea lions later on, especially the latter that were fun as always. These chubby little sea lions are just so hilarious. And kinda cute too. Okay, you won't learn anything truly new here, but I think unless you despise animal documentaries (with focus on the oceans),then you will have a decent time here watching this one. I give it a thumbs-up overall.
Oceans: Our Blue Planet
Action / Documentary
Oceans: Our Blue Planet
Action / Documentary
Keywords: naturenature documentary
Plot summary
Embark on a global odyssey to discover the largest and least explored habitat on earth. New ocean science and technology has allowed us to go further into the unknown than we ever thought possible.
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Top cast
Tech specs
720p.BLU 1080p.BLUMovie Reviews
Okay sea documentary overall
Watch in 3D
Saw at Science Center w/ wife in 3D. Pretty basic theme, is definitely focused on visuals. They are amazing in 3D on giant screen
Great underwater footage and important message from BBC Earth
The outstanding wildlife footage that we have come to expect from David Attenborough BBC TV series is evident in abundance in this underwater adventure that explores ocean habitats ranging from the depths of the Antarctic to the shallows of warm tropical reefs. The good science It contains will be understood by all ages. While being impressed visually, and being endeared and educated by the stories told, we are also made aware of the vital importance of the oceans that make up 70% of our blue planet. Their health is vital to all life on Earth from acting as a food source to providing over half the oxygen that we breathe. We are urged to take more care of our oceans. The BBC's Blue Planet II series is an excellent companion to this film.