The film has nothing to do with a pet graveyard. The ugly Sphynx cat is the companion of the Grim Reaper. Three people decide to try "brinking" another name for flatlining, in order to see deceased loved ones. When they come back, the Reaper comes for them just like it did to people in the opening scene.
There is a whole series of films of people who cheated death and then death comes for them. This film inappropriately used a mockbuster title to create viewers. Characters were not great. Dialogue lacked.
Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. Rita Siddiqui- shower tease.
Pet Graveyard
Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Horror
Pet Graveyard
Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Horror
Keywords: pet graveyard
Plot summary
A group of teens are tormented by the Grim Reaper and his pet after undergoing an experiment that allows them to revisit the dead.
Uploaded by: FREEMAN
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Movie Reviews
An abysmal movie...
Okay, well with a title like "Pet Graveyard" I was expecting a mockbuster cashing in on the "Pet Semetary" movie. Maybe even from the always hilarious The Asylum. But no, that was not to be. Expectations averted.
Right, well I managed to endure just less than 1 hour of the ordeal that is known as "Pet Graveyard" before I gave up out of sheer and utter boredom and hopelessness. This movie was laughably poor in terms of proper storyline and entertainment value. It took director Rebecca Matthews about one hour to portray something on the screen and in the storyline that could and should have been done in less than 15 minutes. There was so much wasted time in this movie that you can feel yourself age while watching it.
And I have no idea what writer Suzy Spade was thinking when coming up with the script and storyline for "Pet Graveyard". Seriously, is there no second eyes on projects to prevent movies like this to ever see the light of day?
I am not even going to bother delving into the storyline in greater detail, because it is so non-existing that there is little I could blabber on about. Essentially, it is about people killing themselves, only to be revived three minutes later. But during their time in the world beyond, something sinister is lurking. Oooohh. Aaaah... Oh (insert your own appropriate word here)!
The acting in the movie was mediocre at best, but the actors and actresses were given nothing to work with in terms of script, characters and storyline, so no wonder they were fighting an uphill battle and losing in a most horrible massacre.
If you enjoy horror movies, then do yourself a favor and stay well clear of "Pet Graveyard", because it is not even one of those cheesy knock-offs that are so fundamentally bad that they actually are fun to watch. This was just questionable on every level. I suffered through almost 1 hour so you don't have to, and believe you me, you are not missing out on anything. And I have zero intention of returning to finish the movie.
Completely flatlines and worth burying
The name The Asylum is enough to fill anybody with dread, the odd surprisingly watchable one aside much of their films are mediocre at best and most are dreadful to an intelligence insulting degree. A vast majority of their output is cheap looking, badly written and acted and basically looks like little effort was put into the film in question. When they rip off films too (a vast majority of them good or more ones),which is the case often, they strip away everything that made those films in question work and produces something the completely opposite in quality.
Capitalising upon the release of 'Pet Semetary' with a concept that borrows a lot from 'Flatliners', 'Pet Graveyard' is not one of The Asylum's worst (of which there is a large group of) and is not even the worst film of theirs released this year. Every flaw that is seen in much of their output is here though and as a film in its own right it has next to nothing to recommend it. Anybody expecting to be scared or intrigued are best looking elsewhere, as both are nowhere in sight in 'Pet Graveyard'. The recent 'Pet Semetary', which has yet to be seen but do want to see it having fond memories of the older version (that needs a re-watch though),has to be really terrible to be as bad or worse than this.
Visually, 'Pet Graveyard' is poorly made. Drably and less than stylishly shot, less than tightly edited and too drearily lit, with effects that look like they were made as an afterthought and with next to no money left. The music when it appears has no atmosphere and always used inappropriately. The inexperience does show in the direction but hopefully that will improve over-time with the right budget and resources.
What particularly sinks 'Pet Graveyard' is the script and especially the story. The script is as flat as a soggy pancake, has no natural flow and is quite cheesy. The pace is dull throughout, with a story that has far too little going on or at least takes too long to get going. What should have been intriguing with the experiments instead bores and perplexes as well as looking distractingly cheap. There is nothing scary or suspenseful, and when there are any attempts the execution is too obvious and occasionally camp.
Found nothing interesting or investable about the dull or irritating characters with vague motivations. The acting is very poor at best, not being able to do anything with the poorly written characters and having practically nothing to work with.
Have to agree that the least bad thing about 'Pet Graveyard' is the cat, but sadly not enough to save the film.
The cat aside, a waste of time. 1/10