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Raven's Touch


Action / Drama

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Kathe Mazur Photo
Kathe Mazur as Betty
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU
615.41 MB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 24 min
P/S 0 / 2
1.28 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 24 min
P/S ...

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by sophiebp-104107 / 10

Beautiful Story! Love Traci Dinwiddie

Whilst agreeing with a few of the more negative reviews here, I have come to claim my opinion on what I thought was a beautifully written and acted movie.

Without spoiling, the storyline centres around two women who ultimately find peace and serenity within themselves and each other. Raven, who has just gone through a trauma, and Kate a (what we can assume gay) mother of two.

I have to completely disagree with Raven being uncouth and wild, as when you see it through the eyes of a traumatised woman who is grieving greatly, she becomes beautifully sad to me. I think no one can judge on what they would do under such circumstances. And thus, I think Raven deserves more praise than she is currently receiving. Also, the performances from Dreya Webber was true and raw, so in response to comments saying it was miss cast I also have to disagree!

I have been a fan of T Dinwiddie for a short time, and became one after this film in fact. In no way do I think her performance was wooden by any stretch of the imagination. She quite in fact blew me away. (Also I think she's like the most beautiful person I've ever seen aha!)

Although, I will agree the love scene comes too early into their meeting and didnt have much of a building. However, I do think it was beautifully shot and wasnt too explicit (I feel in such serene films such as this, too explicit sex scenes just become uncalled for.) Also, some parts were a little far fetched like the crazy ex showing up for no more reason than putting in some angst!

I will rewatch time and time again. This is one 18 year old lesbian who is considered entertained!!

Reviewed by Edmund Bloxam4 / 10

Everything apart from the plot was...convincing enough...much can be forgiven

The acting, the characters, the setting, the pie. Convincing, pleasant.

Don't scratch under the surface of the plot too much. Like when we find out how the little girl died (that's hardly a spoiler-it's in practically the first scene). It would have been best to leave this detail out, because it is a throwaway line and people being shot is hardly a throwaway thing. Another example is the lunatic Other Mother. The pleading phone call at the beginning of the movie was all we needed--I got it all straightaway. (One black kid and one Asian kid are 'the children'-a little heavy-handed on the minority inclusion-it was like using their skin colour as a way to quickly convey a plot point). Her character was one dimensional and scary. It would have been better to leave her in the descriptions her ex-lover gave. Instead we were offered a poorly-developed cardboard cut-out. There was not enough set up before the sex scene. They'd barely met and the putting-ointment-on bit too obvious. The scene felt mandatory rather than natural. Any time later would have sufficed. It felt, like any other time a plot point was introduced, as forced melodrama.

Which was a pity, because this movie had a heart and a cast that hung their characters out comfortably in a beautiful setting. And, as the film is not especially long, this quibbles can largely be ignored. Let the director sing you a song, even if it is slightly off-key.

Reviewed by Paul Rees7 / 10

A different film to the one described here

It's nothing to do with a boy and facebook; it's a lesbian love story... how did that description get applied and stick? It's mainly set outdoors and the internet, let alone Facebook, doesn't feature.

Raven, a wild woman of the woods has encounter with family camping and is hostile at first, but a friendship develops and we find out she is grieving the loss of her niece. She teaches the family a few basic survival skills and their respect for her grows. We're introduced to Joe, a caring older guy who understands Raven and they make sweet country music, living quietly in the woods. Kate, the mother of the children Maya and Jack meets up with Raven at her cabin and they embrace and kiss. No words are spoken. The mysterious Angela watches the family from afar and gets Maya and Jack into her car, to take them into town but an argument ensues and the children jump out at Highway 22 and run off into the woods. Angela finds Kate and tells her what happened. Meanwhile, Maya stumbles and hurts herself. Kate runs to Raven's cabin and tells her Maya and Jack are lost in the woods. Raven knows the woods like the back of her hand and can work out the most likely route Maya and Jack will have taken. Will she save them? Well acted, thoughtful film.

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