"Série noire" is an overrated black comedy directed by Alain Corneau. The story of the clumsy loser door-to-door salesman Franck Poupart is kind of lose among crime, drama and black comedy but does not work very well. Maybe in the late 70´s it would be better rated. The slow pace is not adequate to the story and Patrick Dewaere is annoying with his stupidities. Marie Trintignant is a great surprise performing the teenage prostitute Mona and her first encounter with Franck is unforgettable. My vote is five.
Title (Brazil): "Série Negra" (Black Series")
Keywords: salesmanfrench noir
Plot summary
Franck Poupart is a slightly neurotic door-to-door salesman in a sinister part of Paris' suburbs. He meets Mona, a teenager, who's been made a prostitute by her own aunt. Franck would like to change his life and also save Mona from her aunt. Murder is the only solution he finds to achieve his goal... A very gloomy movie, exuding dispair and uneasiness, with pathetic characters.
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Movie Reviews
Overrated Black Comedy
A disturbing movie about madness
IMDb synopsis says that Franck Poupart, played by Patrick Dewaere, is 'slightly neurotic'. It's actually much worse, Poupart is a complete maniac, left unsupervised in a jungle of HLM, terrains vagues, poverty and filth. He even readily mumbles to himself that he's psychotic.
I heard of Série noire when looking up Dewaere bio on wikipedia. It was mentioned how physically hard the filming was on the actors, and on Dewaere in particular. The characters keep fighting and shouting at each other, and they won't stop until they're completely exhausted or drunk. Except of course for Blier, who plays the soft spoken treacherous coward. I found this movie very close in spirit to Zola who would place weak personalities in a closed environment to sadistically observe what happens. Everyone is to blame for what happens, everyone is guilty.
This is a true chef d'uvre, but a disturbing one, the kind of movie you'll be thinking of for days to come. It's all about madness, and you'll wonder how far you are from falling into it.
A strange but fascinating experience
One of the most original film experiences of the 70s is certainly French. Série noire is distinctive in its narrative and the form is never overwhelming the content.
Although most of it seems improvised, it is always surprising to learn that all of it was written down to the last word by Perec.
The most fascinating aspect of this movie is the angle of "harsh realism" that Corneau chose to tell the story. No external music is polluting the grimy atmosphere depicted with true to life colors and textures. And yet, it is one of the most romantic movie - in the purest form of the genre - that one can wish for.
And how can anyone not be touched by the late Patrick Deweare acting. It has been said that this movie took such a toll on the actor that some are almost suggesting that it was the starting point of his depressive state. It is truly a very moving, strong performance, full of surprise and nuance, almost so strong that it is unbearable to watch.
For those who are searching for a new kind of film making and acting, Série noire is certainly one of the best movies to provide such an experience.