The Chaser revolves around an ex-detective turned pimp who's under serious stress when he finds out his girls are being sold by a mysterious client. He goes on the chase to find this guy and put an end to his missing girls...and missing money. What begins to unfold is something him, the police or anyone for that matter, were unprepared to take on.
Time and time again the film-makers from South Korea succeed and The Chaser is no different. With believable writing, fantastic acting (especially the lead who reminded me of Min Sik Choi) and an air of originality, Chaser easily became one of my favorite flicks of 2008. With side-stories aplenty, an evil villain and some brutal violence this is something any fan of darker film should enjoy.
If you enjoy serious drama, investigation films, serial killers, great acting, you'll definitely enjoy this picture. I just wished they had a different title for the film. I like my title better. :)
Plot summary
Joong-ho is a dirty detective turned pimp in financial trouble as several of his girls have recently disappeared without clearing their debts. While trying to track them down, he finds a clue that the vanished girls were all called up by a same client whom one of his girls is meeting with right now.
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Tech specs
720p.BLU 1080p.BLUMovie Reviews
The Hillside Hammer Basher
A grim yet gripping thriller
THE CHASER is a film unlike any other. This South Korean masterpiece tells of the battle of wills between a chilling serial killer and his nemesis, a cop-turned-pimp who finds his call girls missing after appointments with a sinister client. Full of dark, violent sequences, downbeat twists and a taut, electrifying script, THE CHASER is one of the best spins on this genre I've ever watched.
The movie is completely unique. It isn't easy to describe, and it doesn't follow convention. The protagonist holds little, if any, sympathy for the viewer, yet we follow the film's plot by his side. THE CHASER's willingness to avoid convention is what makes it so compelling. And the grim and grimy streets are brought to life in a way few other films can achieve.
Yes, the film is violent. Yet it's realistic with that violence, and never gratuitous. I was hooked from beginning to end, and more than a few gripping sequences hold the same power as an electric cattle prod. A dark masterpiece unlike any other? I think so.
Listen to Mister Buggz
That's another user or commentator, here on IMDb. And his last sentence is "Go and watch the movie". I fully stand behind this, because this was one of the best movies I've watched this year (at the Fright Fest in London).
There's only a little thing that you should bare in mind: If you actually don't like Korean (or Asian movies for that matter),than this won't be for you. Especially if you like your movies to be according to a somewhat linear structure. While with other movies of this nature, you might foresee things happening, I was baffled (in a good way) with the directions this movie took. Very brave choices and a great script. The actors of course are phenomenal too. It all fits together in one whole perfect piece. If you like your thrillers to be ... well thrilling, than this is the one to watch!