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The Mummy


Action / Fantasy / Horror

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Boris Karloff Photo
Boris Karloff as Imhotep
Zita Johann Photo
Zita Johann as Helen Grosvenor
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU
571.23 MB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 13 min
P/S ...
1.07 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 13 min
P/S ...

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by ma-cortes7 / 10

Classic Universal with a creepy and eerie apperance by the great Boris Karloff who holds a perfect make-up

This Universal classic (1933)¨The mummy¨ that ahead many follow-ups was finely directed by Karl Freund with Boris Karloff, Edward Van Sloan , David Manners and it results to be the first and classic rendition of the ¨Mummy¨. As a group of archeologists seeking lost tomb of Egyptian kings at an archeological dig , 1921 , examine a sarcophagus from an unmarked grave , then a macabre mummy is revived after thousands of years . An ancient Egyptian mummy is awakened from his centuries-old sleep when a royal tomb is desecrated . Those suffer consequences their acts , to everyone's regret . So Imhotep (Boris Karloff bearing a heavy and masterly made makeup , as we can almost smell the dust and must) , a 4000-year-old who was disgraced and buried alive is now revived . The very deadly mummy takes avenge on some archaeologist and descendants who desecrated the tomb . Then the scary , sinister mummy revenges himself on those who have defiled his tomb and he attempts to get his aim , heroine Helen (Zita Johann) whom the wrapped one believes is the reincarnation of his long-love Anc-kes-en-Amon , his beloved princess . However , the macabre mummy attacks anyways and suddenly stops when meets the reincarnation of ancient sweet heart .

Horror classic based on the novel by John Balderston with effective atmosphere , sense of awe and wonder along with fine performances . Entertaining blend of thrills , chills , drama , terror and visual are most impressive . Remarkable makeup and eerie scenes make it chilling and frightening . Superb atmosphere , flavorful music , make this one of the best terror movies from Universal , using intelligence and interesting dialogue rather than guts and blood to horrify its audience . In spite of its age this all time classic has lost none of its qualities. Boris is terrific as the terrifying mummy and David Manners is good as an obstinate archaeologist , one of the men he frightens , being attacked by the mummy, as well as Zita Johann as the damsel in distress . The Mummy is masterfully incarnated by Boris Karloff , giving one of his best movie portrayals along with Frankenstein . Boris is almost irrecognisable beneath layers of skillful make-up, undergoing 8 hours of top-notch make-up to transform him into the creepy mummy , being layered on his face filament by filament , and actually giving the impression of having been hidden away for centuries . The motion picture excellently photographed by Charles Stumar in tenebrist cinematography plenty of lights and shades , being very well made under the perfect direction of an expert cinematographer : Karl Freund who made too few appearances in the fimmaker's chair . It marked the direction debut of this famed German cameraman and master of expressionist photography . Rating : Better than average , it's high-power entertaining .

Other pictures about Mummy character are the following ones : the main is this one ¨The mummy (1932) ¨ being the initial appearance of the mummy re-awakened after thousands of years and sequels rapidly ran out the ideas as what to do with him once he was on loose , such as : ¨Mummy's hand (1940) by Christy Cabanne with Dick Foran , Wallace Ford and Cecil Kallaway . ¨The mummy's ghost¨ 1944 by Reginald LeBorg with Lon Chaney Jr , John Carradine , Robert Lowery . ¨The mummy's curse¨ 1944 by Leslie Goodwins with Lon Chaney Jr. , Peter Coe . ¨The mummy¨directed by legend from Hammer Productions Terence Fisher with Peter Cushing , Christopher Lee , Felix Aylmer , Eddie Byrne . It's followed by ¨Mummy's shroud¨(1967) also produced by Hammer Films, directed by John Gilling with Andre Morell and Elizabeth Sellars. The Spanish ¨The mummy's revenge¨ 1973 by Carlos Aured with Paul Naschy or Jacinto Molina , Jack Taylor , Helga Line . And modern updating full of computer generator FX as ¨The mummy¨(1999) by Stephen Sommers with Brendan Fraser , Rachel Weisz , John Hanna , Arnold Vosloo and ¨Mummy returns¨ (2001) with similar players and The Rock . And recent ¨The mummy¨ (2017) with Tom Cruise and Sophie Boutella .

Reviewed by MartinHafer10 / 10

a great horror film--and nothing like the newer versions

I loved this horror film. Even by today's standards, the makeup for Boris Karloff as the Mummy was perfect. With today's fantastic special effects, it is possible to do BIG and EXCITING special effects, but the subtlety and believability (or at least as close as you'll get for this type of movie) make this a great film. Add to that, excellent acting, a tight script and wonderful cinematography (possibly the best of any of the Universal horror films) and you've got the ingredients for one of the greatest classic horror films.

I should point out that almost a decade later, Universal Studios revived the films and created a new Mummy series. These are not related to the Karloff film but are entertaining B-movies. All Mummy movies I've seen that have been made since I found to be lacking--I love the old stuff best. Mostly because the newest films provide lots of special effects but really lack when it comes to story and acting,...and fun!

UPDATE: I just watched this film again (5/10) and was amazed with the great Egyptian details. The look of the artifacts were great and the people making this film obviously worked hard to get the look and names right.

Reviewed by TheLittleSongbird8 / 10

All hail the mighty Karloff!

While not quite in the same league as the Frankenstein films and Dracula, having a few scenes that drag and one or two of the dialogue-heavy scenes feeling repetitive, The Mummy is still creepy and very effective even now. The sets are still wonderfully extravagant as are the costumes and the cinematography is stunning. James Dietrich's score is very haunting, the script in general is poetic and the story complete with a superb beginning and ending and of one where Imhotep permits his love to relive her past is interesting. The acting is fine, Edward Van Sloan gives one of his better performances here, while Zita Johann is beautiful and in a unique and stunning way. Stealing the film, in a very powerful and magnetic performance is Boris Karloff. All in all, a very good film, not quite a masterpiece but it is the best Mummy film by far. 8/10 Bethany Cox

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