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Troma's War


Action / Adventure / Comedy / Horror

Plot summary

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720p.WEB 1080p.WEB
957.31 MB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 44 min
P/S 10 / 71
1.74 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 44 min
P/S 14 / 91

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by Jakealope8 / 10

Good Spoof, with Tons of B Movie Excesses

This movie is a spoof of all those Rambo/Norris/Ahnuld commando bloodbath movies from the 80's. It is very unsubtle, full of cartoonish shootouts where the same bad guy terrorists get mowed down by the good guy plane crash survivors, some cheesy sex and boob scenes, with an original hard rock background music score. Basically, a random bunch of people crash on a Caribbean Island: punk rocker, Wall Street yuppie, hysterical woman, priest, etc etc; owned by Cuba. The island is a terrorist training camp for a motley bunch of cartoonish terrorists, loosely based on the 80's Communist types. There is a pig snouted redneck terrorist, a psycho Nazi Jew hating one, Russians, Arabs, a ninja, and even two Siamese twin leaders. They are going to land in the US and undermine us with AIDS and random violence, ala "Invasion USA", I guess. So this motley bunch of survivors, led by an ex Airborne Vietnam vet, start kicking some serious butt instead.

There isn't too much of a plot after that, but plenty of gratuitous violence on the level of Monty Python, with more shootout scenes than ten action movies put together. But the same bunch of terrorists keep getting mowed down by our heroes. It is funny yet the overkill grows on you after a while. But it definitely is chock full of special effects and weapons, especially for a low budget flick.

To call this a politically incorrect movie is a euphemism for a totally bad taste movie. But it does have it's charm, in a cheap, exploitative but not a stupid way. Definitely not for the weak at heart, while not gory compared to modern horror movies, it has some real bloody hamburger scenes

Reviewed by winner559 / 10

jaw-dropping, over-the-top satire

Author: plazma_dragon wrote 'The makers of this film tried to combine a comedy movie with an action movie'.

no, that's not what they did. what the wonderful folks at troma did in this film is to take all the conventions of all Hollywood action films set in the contemporary era, and push them to their logical extremes.

the action film is inherently illogical - that's exactly why we watch them. in the action film you identify with the hero and blow away a criminal as soon as you can, and move on to the next criminal to blow away.

in real life, if you shoot someone you think is committing a crime, you may miss and get shot; you may only wound him, in which case you have to listen to his squeals of pain, and later, in most states, he has the right to come back and sue you for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon - no joke. and if you do kill him, then you have to justify it to the police, and sometimes to a judge, and you have to listen to his mom weep in agony, and then she sues you for 'wrongful death' and you have to wonder - was causing so much pain to others and one's self really worth it - a question that may haunt you the rest of your life. finally, there's the possibility that he may shoot you - setting aside your possible demise, there's the problem of getting crippled for the rest of your life. you can sue the criminal, but if he's just the corner thug, you'll never see a penny.

this doesn't mean that you don't shoot the criminal - you may need to - if he's threatening a loved one, and i got a good shot, i certainly would. but what all this does mean is that you're stuck with all kinds of consequences that never happen to Stallone or snipes or Jackie Chan.

troma takes this basic principle - shoot the guy and move on, hero - to the extremes. any of the airliner survivors who show compassion are deemed wimpy and abandoned. the Rambo-wannabe wades into a whole regiment of enemy soldiers and doesn't get shot. the pacifist priest is sadistically tortured and shot in the goriest fashion, condemned to die by a neo-Nazi for being Jewish - even though he's clearly not - simply because the Nazi thinks everyone he kills must be Jewish, since he's a Nazi and Nazis kill Jews.

as for the nudity - it is rumored that steven seagal actually used to have it in his contract that there would be at least one female nude scene in any movie he made. nude scenes are pro-forma to the genre - but since this is troma's war, of course they need to be done as ineptly as possible.

one can say that 'this is not my kind of comedy', and leave it alone. however, don't for a minute think these people don't know what they're doing.

personally i think this movie is a jaw-dropping, over-the-top satire of the best kind. i hold back one star because there's no doubt the editing could have been a little tighter.

Reviewed by Quinoa19846 / 10

Troma goes to war, and depending on your expectations it delivers what you expect

Troma's War, about a group of refugees from a plane crash stranded on an island with wild Commandos led by a two-headed politician planning the extinction of America... is some ridiculous s***.

But for the first two thirds Kaufman and Herz and company manage to find a balance between the one liners and gags, and the more serious elements (or at least as serious as a goofy cartoon like Troma can get) such as the commandos on the island who are, behind the jokey Schwarzenegger captain who is funny every time he speaks and the (Jesus Christ!) AIDS guy who is out to rape women so they get it, its a war movie that is intentionally BIG and MANIC and just nuts, but with a purpose.

When Troma's War is at its most impressive and eye catching when Kaufman skewers 80s action movies and Regan era militarism. As an ex hippie it's clear he didn't like what he was seeing, in bloated B movies and over the top spectacles, so... why not make his own, the Troma way? Where it lost me a bit was in the last third. There is what feels like a natural climax like two thirds into the movie, where some of the heroes (like Lost they're not all likable but their bond is a plane crash) save the others from being killed and raped and maimed by the commandos. and then it just keeps going. And the acting doesn't get better.

And not that one should be looking for a totally consistent tone in this junk food, but there was a better grasp of what the film was and trying to do for a while. By the time it nears its real climax, there's still some more mayhem, relentless violence, all shot and edited with flair even as its with little to no budget (outside of the special effects - the highlight for me is a montage of soldiers in trees who all get shot down and fall off the same way, tree after tree). But it kind of devolves into dumb antics and one liners (and I mean DUMB for a movie by these f****rs),though it's almost saved by a side characters stunt from a truck onto a boat.

I want to like it more - it's shot with more competency than other Troma movies, has ambitious and exciting stunts and effects, and up to a point has some really good music (up to a point as in not too much but still there crappy 80s songs put over scenes unnecessarily) and though some of the acting is cheesy and over the top, some of it really works for it being a ludicrous mockery. There's even some arcs for characters, like the guy who gets his truck onto the boat at the end. And yet there is a line that, sometimes, Kaufman and Herz have to not cross but do a lot of the time which is the film being the same carnage extravaganza with bullets flying and guts spilling and squibs popping like there's no tomorrow and became something like Commando.

But... if you wanna get some buddies together, and are in the mood for some comic book characters and set ups and pay offs (including a British dude who talks like Peter O'Toole and has a shtick with poison darts),this ain't bad. It's just not AS memorable as Toxic Avenger and Nuke em High.

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