So - I've reviewed this a couple of times - and my review never gets posted.
I wanted to like this movie. The concept seemed fun. All about friendship - longterm friendships. Trusting each other. Having fun together ... sounds fun!
Well - in some respects it was. The friendships were genuine. The problems friends have were real. The resolutions - a little farfetched ... but acceptable.
I felt there was WAY too much stuff going on. Trying to follow what was going on with each was confusing. (The Wedding Veil trilogy did it better - focusing on one friend at a time - but still playing on the friendships.) I was having trouble following what each of the women were involved doing and if/how it affected the other friends.
Also - seemed more suited to BET than Hallmark. Just my opinion ...
Unthinkably Good Things
Drama / Romance
Unthinkably Good Things
Drama / Romance
Plot summary
Follows Allison at a crossroads in her career and love life, in need of the love and support of her two friends. After visiting her in Tuscany, each woman will reexamine the state of her own life and relationships.
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Tech specs
720p.WEB 1080p.WEBMovie Reviews
A little too scattered ...
Pleasant film about Girlfriends
Thoroughly enjoyed this film. The actresses were great especially Erica Ash. Sure some of this was far fetched, but it was enough feels and truth to remind you of your long lasting friendships and how life gets tougher the older you get.
If you are in the middle for a feel good film, that makes you smile, and reflect on your girlfriends, this is the movie for you.
Again great acting by all. And here's to adding text to make the minimum count, good grief. Again recommend a watch, as the actresses are very talented.
If a book is what is required, I shall write a novel. With a little more depth. And a bit more space. I will get to be able to make this post. Almost there.
Too Many Plots Not Managed Well
I'm sorry, but there were too many plots going on and took too long to merge into a cohesive story. Too many times the storylines were resolved in unrealistic fantasy which made me lose interest in the characters and whatever mainline plot was attempting to be achieved.
Some good acting, but overshadowed by the lack of cohesiveness between the storylines. I had a hard time relating to the characters being portrayed as it seemed to be a scatterbrained attempt to bring multiple plots together. I guess because the main story was about friendships, it's really hard to develop a storyline that isn't quickly boring. I unfortunately lost interest about half way through and only half paid attention until it ended. I tried, but couldn't stop being cynical about the dialog in many cases. It may have been that many of the interactions between the characters were too lackluster and unrealistic for me.