"Since I Don't Have You" follows the story of the Skyliners' career from their titular hit until the suicide of lead singer Janet Rapp in 1980. Along the way are almost two hours of nonstop arguing, gunplay, suicides, people vomiting, screaming, jealousy, drug abuse, threats of violence, a little girl violently hit by a trolley, and graphic bloody violence. Immediately after each unpleasant and ugly scene, the film moves on to the next and the next.
Don't get me wrong--the acting is superb, the direction is fine, and the script is good. Still, watching two hours of the ugly side of human nature makes for challenging viewing. The movie's grim, unpleasant, and repellent tone never lets up through the end. If that's your cup of tea you might like the film, but I was really glad it was over. You've been cautioned.
Since I Don't Have You
Action / Drama
Since I Don't Have You
Action / Drama
Plot summary
"Since I Don't Have You" is a feature-length backstage drama set in the years between 1975 and 1990, as seen through the eyes of the son of the beloved female vocalist in the popular doo-wop group, The Skyliners. As the child grows, the world of rock'n'roll takes a heavy toll on his family, turning him into a tough but unhappy youth. His life changes forever as the picture climaxes in a dramatic confrontation with his estranged father, where details of the events leading up to his mother's suicide - and what happened to her estate - are revealed. Its a wild ride through the world of show-biz with all the characters - both shady and upstanding - that you'd hope to encounter in the sometimes seamy, sometimes glamorous world of early rock'n'roll.
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